Monday 1 June 2015


Robocraft   - an example of independence.

5 days only - each day posting MUST include:

What I did: ( 1 mark )
Describe what you started with and the process you went through to get to where you ended up.
  • If you help someone - or someone helps you - reference their blog.
  • Type their name, highlight it, choose 'Link' and paste their blog address

Evidence:( 1 mark )
(screen shots) to match up with 'what I did'.
  • Explain your screenshots in detail.

What did I learn: ( 2 marks )
What choices did you make vs what choices you should have made. 
Make sure to give advice to a newbie.
 NOTE: As you play the game - always look for post-worthy moments - thoughts, screenshots, ideas.

How to get points playing the game:


  • may require disabling of ANTIVIRUS
also c:\games\Robocraft\EasyAntiCheat\EasyAntiCheat_Setup.exe
  • run this as administrator choosing 'install' and  'robocraft'
READ Mr. Water's Robocraft blog entries.

By Connor Waters :

Read Overview:

Read Lesson Plan:
Helpful Hints:
Building your Robot:
VERY IMPORTANT: (more good ideas)
Day 5 - ADDITIONAL Assignment --> summary of Robocraft.
  • Your overall impression,
  • quick guide on to how to play 
  • tips and tricks on game play
  • the future of robocraft ( read online about the robocraft community) ...add links

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