Monday 8 June 2015

Minecraft Obscure

Minecraft Obscure - the movie

Category 1

Choose an image from Category 1.  Build it.

Take a screen shot – before you start then again every 60 seconds.

Add your blog address slowly to a sign post up front.

When finished. Rename the screen shots 01, 02 etc.

Make a movie

In photoshop – choose FILE  - OPEN

find image 01     then look for and

CHECK the box next to ‘Image Sequence’

Type in ‘5’ for ‘fps’ - this can be changed later

A VIDEO sequence will be created.

Add an Audio Track! Make sure to fill the track to the end of your images. If you go over – set the END OF WORK AREA to match your Video group layer. Then right click the audio track and have it fade out.

If you forgot to add your blog address - do so now


Select your output folder

Preset to ‘Medium Quality’

Size to NTSC DV (720x480)

Render - then post the video
(choose the VIDEO upload option in blogger)
Choose an image from Category 2 – repeat …
with permission you may choose your own  - must be obscure! CHECK

Category 2



Monday 1 June 2015


Robocraft   - an example of independence.

5 days only - each day posting MUST include:

What I did: ( 1 mark )
Describe what you started with and the process you went through to get to where you ended up.
  • If you help someone - or someone helps you - reference their blog.
  • Type their name, highlight it, choose 'Link' and paste their blog address

Evidence:( 1 mark )
(screen shots) to match up with 'what I did'.
  • Explain your screenshots in detail.

What did I learn: ( 2 marks )
What choices did you make vs what choices you should have made. 
Make sure to give advice to a newbie.
 NOTE: As you play the game - always look for post-worthy moments - thoughts, screenshots, ideas.

How to get points playing the game:


  • may require disabling of ANTIVIRUS
also c:\games\Robocraft\EasyAntiCheat\EasyAntiCheat_Setup.exe
  • run this as administrator choosing 'install' and  'robocraft'
READ Mr. Water's Robocraft blog entries.

By Connor Waters :

Read Overview:

Read Lesson Plan:
Helpful Hints:
Building your Robot:
VERY IMPORTANT: (more good ideas)
Day 5 - ADDITIONAL Assignment --> summary of Robocraft.
  • Your overall impression,
  • quick guide on to how to play 
  • tips and tricks on game play
  • the future of robocraft ( read online about the robocraft community) ...add links