Tuesday 7 April 2015

March 2015 News

Using Microsoft Publisher – create a newsletter of the following events that occurred during the month of March 2015

example 1    exampleexample 3

Firstly: create images

Create titles for each section of your newsletter at: http://www.flamingtext.com/logos - save them to your dropbox folder “NEWS”

Title:  March 2015 News, Your Name

Sections: International, Space, Technology, Local, Sports, Movie, Music, History


Open Publisher (search MSPUB)

Create a blank newsletter (½ A4 booklet 8x11)

Start with the title and your name.

Then create a section with your flaming text image…i.e. International

Add the news items that belongs to that section.

Each news items requires at least 1 picture and a link to your references.

Sometimes I ask for a map or a company logo.

Write a general synopsis (brief summary) by answering the given questions or creating a list of facts on the event. Sorry- NO CUT AND PASTE.

When complete – save as a PDF – create a blog post using your Title image and link the PDF in your dropbox to your blog

International Section

(CHOOSE 3 or Choose 2 and 1 of your own)

·        The Soyuz capsule

Who was on it? Where did it land?  (MAP)

·        Solar Impulse 2 (map of path)

What did it attempt to do? What is the longest distance it travelled?

·        Fourth anniversary of the …

What happened 4 years ago in Japan? In what town was the nuclear power plant? (MAP)

·        Jeremy Clarkson  (followup-news April 08)

Who is he? What is his show? Why was he in the news?

·        Germanwings Flight 9525 (LOGO)

What happened and where? (MAP)  Do THEY know why?

Space Section


NEED: Picture of our galaxy, picture of our solar system

·        Ganymede

Around which planet does this moon revolve?

What did the Hubble Space telescope discover about Ganymede?

·        One million stars forming in nearby dusty gas cloud

Give a Synopsis

·        NASA's (LOGO) MAVEN probe spots mysterious dust cloud and glowing aurora over Mars

Give a synopsis

·        Search for Potentially Habitable Worlds Targets Red Dwarf Stars

Give a synopsis

Technology Section
(Choose both or choose 1 and 1 of your own)

·        British Academy Game Awards BAFTA

Which game won? What other famous series did they create?

What game should have won? Which game won the ‘best persistent game’ category?

·        WINDOWS 10 (LOGO)

What is special about it?   Free upgrades - why?
upgrades for pirates

Local News Section
(Choose 2 or choose 1 and 1 of your own)

·        Langley and other school districts told to cut admin costs

How much does the government hope to save? What is the current budget for Langley school district? What is your opinion?

·        TED Talks Vancouver (LOGO)

Choose a speaker – report on their talk

·        New multi-user trail opens in south Aldergrove

Report on this event

Sports Section –any sports event during March

Music Section – latest song – link to youtube video

Movie Section – latest movie - link to youtube video

History Section – Find one item that happened in the past 1000 years during the month of March.

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