Friday 24 April 2015



 Algodoo is free

FIRST - Do the Tutorials /2 marks

Crash Course /22

Tools /27

Sketch tool /25

Show me then POST a screen shot showing completion


Rules for handing in the following challenges:

Show your teacher that your solution works.

You get 3 successive tries:

Complete 3 Successfully = 4/4 marks

Fail 1of 3 trial runs =  3 /4 marks

Fail 2of 3 attempts = 2/4 marks

Fail 3 runs and a rebuild will be requested.


* Screen shot the beginning, middle and ending scene.
add your blog address to each

Always leave your scene at the beginning and ready to go.
Create an Algodoo folder in dropbox.
Place your solution in DropBox and link it to your blog.  In the same fashion as the Newsletter PDF document.

Choose 5 of the first 10 then 11 ( If you have done them in the past - do not do them again)


 Deliver the Goods

You build a bridge out of boards. I give you a board – clone it. You’re allowed 15 of them.  Two horizontal boards cannot be connected DIRECTLY together-(HINT – use a vertical board between them). Start by connecting to the grey blocks on the canyon walls. ONLY use AXLES! The truck must make it complete and completely to the other side.


Desert Gap

Build a vehicle in the box. Drive it over the gap. It may only flip once.

Do not change the scene. Only use axle power. Everything you create in the box must cross the gap. NO MAGIC. Your car must look like a chinchilla.


ACID challenge

Build pipes then attach propellers and gears. The acid must flow efficiently from one vessel to the next.  Try to capture lost fluid or add more or else you may run dry.


Save the town. Only build in the boxes. Do not fixate to the scene.


Bring the children to school

Must fit inside the box
Only Use: Wood, Steel, Glass and Rubber
Children may not break bones

Children may only be stuck to their seats using 1 fixate on their orange body.
Driver Must Be included, and has to hold onto a steering wheel


Marble Machine

Build a machine to move the marbles.

Junkyard Wars

Build vehicle from the junk pile.  Drive it to the end.

Your vehicle looks like a Honda Ridgeline


Loch Ness

Build a paddle wheel boat and cross the Loch. No jets.

Save the planet


You have to capture it, push its off collision course or send it back into orbit.


-build under the red line

-No Killers

-No Immortal

-No attraction

-No attaching to background in any way

-No attaching to earth in anyway

-No stealing ideas

-No editing the scene

-No gravity binding or anything to do with gravity.

-No scripting

-No collision G (it’s used to scene)


If you destroy Earth - 0

If you destroy Moon– 2/4

If you catch the Moon - 3/4

Send the moon back into a stable orbit - 4/4


Save the city


Your mission is to save the city



No springs

No fixates

No glued to backround

No hinged to backround

No hinges to baseplate

Must be inside red box

Must cover the bomb

No killer

No scripting

No slider change (only go as high as it lets you)

No changing the bomb

Only collision menu A, and B

Do not change the scene

No lasers

No chains


51% -objects left standing 3/4

100% - it covers the bomb successfully 4/4



#11 Your Own Challenge
Create a Challenge.  Not too difficult and not too easy
Solve your Challenge. Write the rules. Develop the Template
Screenshot the template – screenshot the solution
Post the template and solution links from your dropbox
Just for fun:

Jump onto the plane

Nothing to build…just get on the plane

Friday 10 April 2015

Photoshop Timing and Flow

Photoshop Frame animation

goal: rich, emotive, and detailed. Your animations should make the viewer feel something (hopefully positive) and demonstrate a sense of timing and flow.

Animated Card – Level 1

Your goal is to complete and post 4 animated gifs.
The first will have 1 required animation.
The second will have 2 required animations. You may duplicate the style of the first but the second must act differently.
The third will have 3 required animations.- in a similar vein.
The fourth = four required.
An extra ADVANCED animation for each animated card is explained near the bottom of this post.

4 cards:   Winter - Spring- Summer - Autumn
The following tutorial is for Winter.

·         900 x900 pixel  with a Transparent background
·         Choose a dark colour and paint layer 1 then rename it “sky
·         Create a new layer – rename it “snow
·         Choose colour white and with the paint brush size “8” draw the top of the low sloping hills across the lower 1/3 of the sky – then paint below this line.
·         Create a new layer – rename it “hill
·         Choose a darker white colour and with the paint brush draw a hill in the middle but not much higher than the snow. Draw from the bottom left side to the bottom right so you can paint below again

·         Drag the “hill” layer below the “snow” layer
·         Click on the snow layer, then create a new layer– rename it “trees
·         Choose a darker green colour – with the paint brush draw a very large conifer tree – if you draw an outline make sure you paint it.
·         CTRL click on the thumbnail of the tree on the trees layer. The tree should highlight. Choose CTRL-T then shrink the tree to a reasonable size.
·         COPY and PLACE 25 trees of various sizes.  While the tree is highlighted and the MOVE tool is selected press ALT and drag/copy a new tree and place it on the snow. Trees in the distance tend be smaller. Use CTRL-T to shrink the tree size.  It may be wise to ZOOM in.
·         NOTE: To highlight a tree afterwards use the “MARQUEE” tool and move it with the “MOVE” tool. To UNHIGHLIGHT  press CTRL-D

·         Create a new layer – rename it “text
·         Choose the TYPE tool – choose type size around 60pt and a nice bright colour. Type in your blog address. For example:
·         Choose from the menu above – Type-Warp text-then choose a style.
·         Choose from the menu above- Layer- layer style- Bevel and Emboss – change size to 5. Click OK.

.         Create a new layer – rename it “winter
·         Choose the TYPE tool - then vertical type tool- type "winter" and place in the lower right corner
·         Create a new layer – rename it “stars1
·         Draw 10 stars a pale cream colour – draw 1 size and CLONE stamp it 4 times – then a second size and a third
·         When using the clone stamp – make its size large enough to cover the star then press the ALT key and click then stamp
·         Create a new layer – rename it “stars2” – 10 more stars
·         Create a new layer – rename it “stars3” – 10 more stars
·         Follow the tutorial under “Making the Stars Twinkle” –try changing the gradient when in OUTER GLOW to a different colour
·         When it comes to ANIMATION go to Window-Timeline then switch to ‘create frame animation’ then click on ‘Create Frame Animation’

·         With ‘stars1’ layer highlighted click on the ‘duplicate selected frames’ button in the timeline window.  Continue following the tutorial.
·         Make sure you choose “forever” in the timeline window.

·         Save for Web – post your image

The animations:Winter - snowy hill with trees and twinkling stars
Spring - A flower bed with growing Tulips or flowing clouds
Summer - a beach with either seagulls in the sky or crabs on the sand
Autumn - Deciduous trees with falling leaves.

Try to add this: The following items will flow between the 4 animations you create.  The path they take will make perfect sense to the viewer. Position the 4 animations in a table such that the following objects appear to move between them. You will need to synchronize the four animations so they start and stop appropriately.

Keep these objects large - 2-3 cm (at least) or they get lost in the confusion.

Summer - beach ball or Frisbee
Spring - golf ball or baseball
Fall - soccer ball or football
Winter  - Hockey puck, snowball or curling rock

place in a 2x2 table

·         Create a 2x2 (2 rows, 2 columns)

·         NOTE: checkbox – Do not Generate CSS
go to HTML in your NEW post
paste code - choose location- click on add image

Office dogs are allowed assuming they aren't evil and/or worgen. We also have an office ferret at times, and once had office mini-goats, but they were jerks so we returned them.

Need help in a contest
Here is a picture of my ugly garden
I need votes to win.

Tuesday 7 April 2015

March 2015 News

Using Microsoft Publisher – create a newsletter of the following events that occurred during the month of March 2015

example 1    exampleexample 3

Firstly: create images

Create titles for each section of your newsletter at: - save them to your dropbox folder “NEWS”

Title:  March 2015 News, Your Name

Sections: International, Space, Technology, Local, Sports, Movie, Music, History


Open Publisher (search MSPUB)

Create a blank newsletter (½ A4 booklet 8x11)

Start with the title and your name.

Then create a section with your flaming text image…i.e. International

Add the news items that belongs to that section.

Each news items requires at least 1 picture and a link to your references.

Sometimes I ask for a map or a company logo.

Write a general synopsis (brief summary) by answering the given questions or creating a list of facts on the event. Sorry- NO CUT AND PASTE.

When complete – save as a PDF – create a blog post using your Title image and link the PDF in your dropbox to your blog

International Section

(CHOOSE 3 or Choose 2 and 1 of your own)

·        The Soyuz capsule

Who was on it? Where did it land?  (MAP)

·        Solar Impulse 2 (map of path)

What did it attempt to do? What is the longest distance it travelled?

·        Fourth anniversary of the …

What happened 4 years ago in Japan? In what town was the nuclear power plant? (MAP)

·        Jeremy Clarkson  (followup-news April 08)

Who is he? What is his show? Why was he in the news?

·        Germanwings Flight 9525 (LOGO)

What happened and where? (MAP)  Do THEY know why?

Space Section


NEED: Picture of our galaxy, picture of our solar system

·        Ganymede

Around which planet does this moon revolve?

What did the Hubble Space telescope discover about Ganymede?

·        One million stars forming in nearby dusty gas cloud

Give a Synopsis

·        NASA's (LOGO) MAVEN probe spots mysterious dust cloud and glowing aurora over Mars

Give a synopsis

·        Search for Potentially Habitable Worlds Targets Red Dwarf Stars

Give a synopsis

Technology Section
(Choose both or choose 1 and 1 of your own)

·        British Academy Game Awards BAFTA

Which game won? What other famous series did they create?

What game should have won? Which game won the ‘best persistent game’ category?

·        WINDOWS 10 (LOGO)

What is special about it?   Free upgrades - why?
upgrades for pirates

Local News Section
(Choose 2 or choose 1 and 1 of your own)

·        Langley and other school districts told to cut admin costs

How much does the government hope to save? What is the current budget for Langley school district? What is your opinion?

·        TED Talks Vancouver (LOGO)

Choose a speaker – report on their talk

·        New multi-user trail opens in south Aldergrove

Report on this event

Sports Section –any sports event during March

Music Section – latest song – link to youtube video

Movie Section – latest movie - link to youtube video

History Section – Find one item that happened in the past 1000 years during the month of March.