Monday 8 June 2015

Minecraft Obscure

Minecraft Obscure - the movie

Category 1

Choose an image from Category 1.  Build it.

Take a screen shot – before you start then again every 60 seconds.

Add your blog address slowly to a sign post up front.

When finished. Rename the screen shots 01, 02 etc.

Make a movie

In photoshop – choose FILE  - OPEN

find image 01     then look for and

CHECK the box next to ‘Image Sequence’

Type in ‘5’ for ‘fps’ - this can be changed later

A VIDEO sequence will be created.

Add an Audio Track! Make sure to fill the track to the end of your images. If you go over – set the END OF WORK AREA to match your Video group layer. Then right click the audio track and have it fade out.

If you forgot to add your blog address - do so now


Select your output folder

Preset to ‘Medium Quality’

Size to NTSC DV (720x480)

Render - then post the video
(choose the VIDEO upload option in blogger)
Choose an image from Category 2 – repeat …
with permission you may choose your own  - must be obscure! CHECK

Category 2



Monday 1 June 2015


Robocraft   - an example of independence.

5 days only - each day posting MUST include:

What I did: ( 1 mark )
Describe what you started with and the process you went through to get to where you ended up.
  • If you help someone - or someone helps you - reference their blog.
  • Type their name, highlight it, choose 'Link' and paste their blog address

Evidence:( 1 mark )
(screen shots) to match up with 'what I did'.
  • Explain your screenshots in detail.

What did I learn: ( 2 marks )
What choices did you make vs what choices you should have made. 
Make sure to give advice to a newbie.
 NOTE: As you play the game - always look for post-worthy moments - thoughts, screenshots, ideas.

How to get points playing the game:


  • may require disabling of ANTIVIRUS
also c:\games\Robocraft\EasyAntiCheat\EasyAntiCheat_Setup.exe
  • run this as administrator choosing 'install' and  'robocraft'
READ Mr. Water's Robocraft blog entries.

By Connor Waters :

Read Overview:

Read Lesson Plan:
Helpful Hints:
Building your Robot:
VERY IMPORTANT: (more good ideas)
Day 5 - ADDITIONAL Assignment --> summary of Robocraft.
  • Your overall impression,
  • quick guide on to how to play 
  • tips and tricks on game play
  • the future of robocraft ( read online about the robocraft community) ...add links

Tuesday 19 May 2015

App Development

App Development
CREATE 4 APPS in App Inventor 2 + 1 In FLASH
1. make a new folder in Dropbox -->  "Apps"

POST 2 screenshots - more if necessary to prove your case.
startup screen and in-use screen + more
Then save your file to a Dropbox folder.
get public link a post the link then also add a QR Code.
Get a QR code for the shared link.
Then post the QR code image in the post entry as well. This allows someone to place the game on their android phone.

RUN "aiStarter" it's on your desktop - if not
YOU will need the emulator if it is not running:


Choose Basic tutorial then the Intermediate upgrade.

1.       Hello Purr (tap the kitty, hear him meow) get your own images

get your own sounds too:

The Title should be your blog name.


Here's the code to switch to the second cat...and back.
You can also add a second sound on the switch back!

2.       PaintPot (Part 1) (lets you draw on the phone screen in different colors) à Add a fourth colour plus black in different shapes and font colours.

3.       PaintPot (Part 2) (add dots) à also add a third size dot and your blog address at the bottom.



4.       MoleMash  (a mole pops up – hit it before it jumps away) use a different animal. Make it a transparent .png file smaller than 50x50.
- add 3 buttons to change the timer interval

5.       Choose a 4th app *intermediate and up*

 possible tutorials to choose from:




Tilt and Roll
Make sure the code is copied correctly.
Names must match EXACTLY.  Also, do miss ‘instance’ names.
Change the images and create a game of your own.
Add shadow to the words - it's a nice effect.

Friday 24 April 2015



 Algodoo is free

FIRST - Do the Tutorials /2 marks

Crash Course /22

Tools /27

Sketch tool /25

Show me then POST a screen shot showing completion


Rules for handing in the following challenges:

Show your teacher that your solution works.

You get 3 successive tries:

Complete 3 Successfully = 4/4 marks

Fail 1of 3 trial runs =  3 /4 marks

Fail 2of 3 attempts = 2/4 marks

Fail 3 runs and a rebuild will be requested.


* Screen shot the beginning, middle and ending scene.
add your blog address to each

Always leave your scene at the beginning and ready to go.
Create an Algodoo folder in dropbox.
Place your solution in DropBox and link it to your blog.  In the same fashion as the Newsletter PDF document.

Choose 5 of the first 10 then 11 ( If you have done them in the past - do not do them again)


 Deliver the Goods

You build a bridge out of boards. I give you a board – clone it. You’re allowed 15 of them.  Two horizontal boards cannot be connected DIRECTLY together-(HINT – use a vertical board between them). Start by connecting to the grey blocks on the canyon walls. ONLY use AXLES! The truck must make it complete and completely to the other side.


Desert Gap

Build a vehicle in the box. Drive it over the gap. It may only flip once.

Do not change the scene. Only use axle power. Everything you create in the box must cross the gap. NO MAGIC. Your car must look like a chinchilla.


ACID challenge

Build pipes then attach propellers and gears. The acid must flow efficiently from one vessel to the next.  Try to capture lost fluid or add more or else you may run dry.


Save the town. Only build in the boxes. Do not fixate to the scene.


Bring the children to school

Must fit inside the box
Only Use: Wood, Steel, Glass and Rubber
Children may not break bones

Children may only be stuck to their seats using 1 fixate on their orange body.
Driver Must Be included, and has to hold onto a steering wheel


Marble Machine

Build a machine to move the marbles.

Junkyard Wars

Build vehicle from the junk pile.  Drive it to the end.

Your vehicle looks like a Honda Ridgeline


Loch Ness

Build a paddle wheel boat and cross the Loch. No jets.

Save the planet


You have to capture it, push its off collision course or send it back into orbit.


-build under the red line

-No Killers

-No Immortal

-No attraction

-No attaching to background in any way

-No attaching to earth in anyway

-No stealing ideas

-No editing the scene

-No gravity binding or anything to do with gravity.

-No scripting

-No collision G (it’s used to scene)


If you destroy Earth - 0

If you destroy Moon– 2/4

If you catch the Moon - 3/4

Send the moon back into a stable orbit - 4/4


Save the city


Your mission is to save the city



No springs

No fixates

No glued to backround

No hinged to backround

No hinges to baseplate

Must be inside red box

Must cover the bomb

No killer

No scripting

No slider change (only go as high as it lets you)

No changing the bomb

Only collision menu A, and B

Do not change the scene

No lasers

No chains


51% -objects left standing 3/4

100% - it covers the bomb successfully 4/4



#11 Your Own Challenge
Create a Challenge.  Not too difficult and not too easy
Solve your Challenge. Write the rules. Develop the Template
Screenshot the template – screenshot the solution
Post the template and solution links from your dropbox
Just for fun:

Jump onto the plane

Nothing to build…just get on the plane