Sunday 8 March 2015

The Alamo

The Alamo            
179th anniversary of March 6 1836            


Fiddler’s Festival part of 179th anniversary of the battle of the Alamo

The Texan War of 1835-1836

The leading volunteers were Colonel James Bowie, a noted Indian fighter and inventor of the Bowie knife who was soon to sicken with pneumonia and the even better known Davy Crockett…On the south side, a column finally carried the stockade and rushed the church building. Davy Crockett fell before the entrance. Inside, pistols in hand, the now critically-ill Bowie was killed on his cot.

"Remember the Alamo!," 1836
The assault began in earnest during the early morning hours of March 6 as Mexican soldiers swarmed the walls of the fortress. The Alamo defenders successfully repulsed two attacks but were overwhelmed by the third. The combat was characterized by room-to-room fighting in which all but a handful of the defenders were killed. The ferocity of their defense is underscored by the fact that it resulted in the death of an estimated 600 Mexicans.

For Texans, the Battle of the Alamo became an enduring symbol of their heroic resistance to oppression and their struggle for independence, which they won later that year.

Deconstructing History: Alamo (VIDEO)

The Alamo (video)
1836-1845, The Republic of Texas

Your Assignment:
In each post:  1-3 pictures, 1-3 links to your references, 1 YouTube video.  Do not use my pictures. No copying and pasting the facts. Read about each then answer the questions in your own words.
1.       Post on ‘the ALAMO’  /4
Describe the events before, during and after the battle…the history.

Post on 2 of the following: Create a separate post for each.
2.       Davy Crockett,  James Bowie, President General Antonio López de Santa Anna, William B. Travis
Answer the following questions:
Who was he? What did he accomplish in his life time? What was he famous for? /4 for each
3.       Create a Minecraft world.  Recreate the Alamo compound. Show the Mexican forces and cannon positions.  /2 per post per day for 5 days in the form of 2 screen shots per day with descriptions.

4.       A video walk through of the final product would earn a bonus of /4.

Monday 2 March 2015

Escher – Minecraft

Escher – Minecraft

M.C. Escher Documentary (by CINEMEDIA-NPS-RNTV) [1999]

MC Escher, Images of Mathematics...

The World of M C Escher 1



Waterfall adaptation:



Ascending and Descending


Minecraft - Infinite Staircase Optical Illusion

Using MineCraft
  • create the waterfall illusion then create the staircase illusion then create a different illusion
  • Take 2 screenshots per day YOU work on the project.
  • post YOUR screen shots with a description of what YOU did.
NOTES: Whether or not you work as a team you will always take your own screen shots and describe what is in the screen shot and what part of it you actually did yourself.  In addition, the person who creates the world will save this world in Dropbox and share the link on their blog in the event that they do not show up in class.

Create videos of your completed illusions - keep them small