Tuesday 10 February 2015

Flag Day

The Flag

On Sunday, February 15, 2015 the National Flag of Canada will turn 50!

“The flag is the symbol of the nation’s unity, for it, beyond any doubt, represents all the citizens of Canada without distinction of race, language, belief or opinion,” declared the Speaker of the Senate at the Inauguration of the new flag in 1965.

On February 15, 1965, our national flag was raised for the first time on Parliament Hill. Canada was just two years away from centennial celebrations when the maple leaf flag was made official by Royal Proclamation. In 1996, February 15 was declared National Flag of Canada Day and has been observed every year since.

February 15, 2015, will mark the 50th anniversary of the National Flag of Canada. This special Flag Day is the perfect opportunity to learn more about how our flag was created and what it means to us.

Our red and white maple leaf flag was first raised over Parliament Hill 50 years ago on February 15, 1965. This is a significant and special milestone as Canadians prepare for the 150th anniversary of Confederation in 2017.

The 50th anniversary of our National Flag in 2015 will allow Canadians to reflect on our flag and what it represents — a strong, proud and free country. Our national flag speaks to what we have accomplished together, to the historical moments that have served to define us, and to the promising future of this great country.

Proposed National Flags

What defines Canada?


/ˈkænədə/  noun

a country in North America: the second largest country in the world; first permanent settlements by Europeans were made by the French from 1605; ceded to Britain in 1763 after a series of colonial wars; established as the Dominion of Canada in 1867; a member of the Commonwealth. It consists generally of sparsely inhabited tundra regions, rich in natural resources, in the north, the Rocky Mountains in the west, the Canadian Shield in the east, and vast central prairies; the bulk of the population is concentrated along the US border and the Great Lakes in the south. Languages: English and French. Religion: Christian majority. Currency: Canadian dollar. Capital: Ottawa. Pop: 34 568 211 (2013 est). Area: 9 976 185 sq km (3 851 809 sq miles)

Nation in northern North America, bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the east, the Arctic Ocean to the north, the Pacific Ocean and Alaska to the west, and the United States to the south. Its capital is Ottawa, and its largest city is Toronto. In area, Canada is the second largest nation in the world, behind Russia.

The survey by The Dominion Institute and Citizen and Immigration Canada was released on Monday, just ahead of Canada Day, in the form of a list of the top 101 things Canadians named.

Here are the top five: Maple leaf , Hockey , Canadian Flag, Beaver , Canadarm

The assignment

5 waving flags

PART 1 - 2 proposed flags

1.      Pick a Canadian Flag – save to New folder in DropBox: ‘flagday’- post it.

2.       make it wave.

Modified tutorial:
USING Photoshop. Create a new page - SIZE 412x217 Place original flag
Duplicate layer –Hide the layer below

CTRL-T the image, Right click WARP – begin to bend and shape based on the wind
Duplicate and repeat – bring flag in half way then extend back out. ALMOST
Try for 5 layers to go inwards and 4 to return back out
Choose TIMELINE – Create FRAME animation –choose the timeline menu (very tiny and on the top right side of the timeline). Select MAKE FRAMES FROM LAYERS.
Change the delay to 0.1 sec. on each frame. (TIP! highlight all frames first)
Make sure the animation runs FOREVER.
Click on the top layer – add a new layer – TYPE in your BLOG address.
Go to the first frame of the time line and then SHOW the blog layer. This should show this layer on all frames. SAVE for WEB – Choose GIF – make sure it RUNS FOREVER.

If - you wish to have the blog address wave with the flag then it must be incorporated with the original layer before duplicating.
Post the non-waving flag next to your waving flag.
Then do a second flag. - add a flag pole -
Post the non-waving next to the waving.

PART 2 - Bluenose


RE-Invent the Canadian Flag.

Create your own Canadian Flag.   SIZE 412x217

Based on research and what would best represent Canada. Explain why in the post.
Your blog address waves along with the flag.

When you create this flag - place parts on different layers. Shape, colour and move them into position. Once your flag is perfect merge the layers together. Save a copy before continuing on.
After the flag is waving - use the crop tool to make the canvas larger.  Add an image of the Bluenose Schooner. Position accordingly.
Challenge: Can you make waves move under the boat?

Save the original – Post it.
Make it wave –save it- then post it next to your original.

PART 3 - History


1. Create your own flag based on your Historical:  Family Crest, ancestral beginnings, coat of arms etc.     SIZE - non -traditional flag shape!

add your blog address and TYPE-WARP TEXT it to fit the odd shape
Post it

Make the emblem changes colour as it waves!

2. Find an animated gif of a moving vehicle. i.e horse, carriage, wagon, truck, tank etc

Import this into PS.
  •  remove excessive frames
  • add a background
  • add a flag pole
Save an a GIF and POST it
3. AE (After Effects)
import your flag and your edited animated gif into After Effects

FILE – Import-File  : vehicle and flag

NOTE: if you get an import error message - go back to PS and FILE-EXPORT - Render Video
(the default settings will  be fine (maybe))
This time import the MP4 file.
Drag down to work space
Adjust layer positions – adjust flag size and position
you may need to remove the 'black' - use the roto brush
DRAG from the right the WORK AREA END just inside the end of each.
FILE – export – add to render QUEUE
Click on the name –in the render Queue and make sure to save in dropbox.
Click on Render (far right) to render video
At this point you have created an AVI - convert into a GIF

4. PS

Import your AVI movie
FILE – Import – Video Frames to layers
FILE – save for Web – as a Gif

POST next to your flag and edited GIF.

This is mine: Duchy of Bukovina - (Land of Beech Trees)

 Real Coat of Arms

My Flag

Part 4 - animate (Flag #5)

Create a flag that has an animation - animating while the flag waves.
    1. import an animated gif into PS
       - remove the background
    2. Create your own flag - make it square.
       - duplicate for each layer created by the animation
       - apply a new 'filter' for each duplicate flag
    add your blog address.to each layer as well so it will fly with the flag.
    as you move through the time line ensure only the correct layers are made visible.
    I had 3 layers 1 animation-1 blog- 1 background flag
    If so 'merge visible' then apply the wave process.
    Place the flag a pole like object on the surface of a planet.

3rd World Farmer
play until you WIN
Post WIN screen
- add blog URL

Post a pic of your farm just before you win
- Add blog URL

Friday 6 February 2015

First Assignment

Welcome Back



1.    Email – Gmail works best for the blog site.


2.  Get a Dropbox account -->  CLICK HERE <--

3.  Create a BLOG                   https://www.blogger.com/
(if you run into error messages - use ZENMATE)

BELOW the images are in a table.


    • insert an animated number and percent sign along with an animated letter grade.

      • add a top 3 list of things you like to do on a computer. -use the image below

        • ADD -What is it?-explanation!-IMAGE for each

      3. email the blog URL (i.e. http://acssinfotech1415.blogspot.ca/) to dbilesky@sd35.bc.ca 

          • Subject: Your name. IT #. Block.
          • Body: URL

      4. ONCE it is confirmed that your email has been received and the URL is good.

      ... get a temple... POST a screen shot.

      go ahead an d install the UNITY player.

      Planet Creator


      Go back and EDIT your: ‘My Mark’ post

      ·         add a table for the images.

      ·         Create a 2x3 (2 rows, 3 columns)

      ·         NOTE: checkbox – Do not Generate CSS

      Copy the code

      Edit your blog post

      Choose HTML

      paste the code:

      In between the first < t h >MY < / t h >

      In between the second  < t h > insert image - your letter  < / t h >
      In between the third type  < t h >  GRADE  < / t h >

      Insert the first number between the first < t d >  < / t d >

      Insert the Second number between the second < t d >  < / t d >
      Insert the % between the third  < t d >  < / t d >

      --- FIN ---